Last year, I heard from other English speakers about the katakana verb レリゴる. It's supposed to be a verb related to the movie Frozen (アナと雪の女王).

Is the verb generally understood by Japanese speakers? I tried searching weblio and jisho.org for レリゴる, レリゴ, or レリゴー, but couldn't get any relevant matches. Also, I tried doing a google search for レリゴる and the matches I got didn't seem to include the verb.

Also, what does it mean? Does it mean to watch Frozen (link to tweet pictured within the tweet), or to sing "Let It Go"?

  • 2
    Since レリゴー is the name of the song (Let it Go), I would assume レリゴる would mean to sing it. Have no idea though. Commented Feb 21, 2015 at 14:51

1 Answer 1


Jokingly coining such verb using a title/character of a movie/anime/book is not uncommon among native speakers, but many of them are one-time jokes which will be forgotten soon. Only a few of them (including マミる = to have one's head mutilated; to die a tragic death) will be widely recognized and gain specific definitions.

I don't think the verb レリゴる itself caught on last year. So the actual meaning would purely depend on the context. I think people may use it at least in three ways:

  • (カラオケで)「何歌う?」「レリゴっちゃう?」 = To sing Let it Go
  • (映画館の前で)「何観ようか?」「もう1回、レリゴるとか?」 = To watch Frozen
  • 「まだ気にしてるの? レリゴっちゃいなよ!」 = To let it go, to forget

EDIT: Please note that these are more like possible jokes rather than normal conversations.

  • I could not imagine a Japanese speaker saying ANY one of the three in real life.
    – user4032
    Commented Feb 22, 2015 at 8:02
  • 2
    – naruto
    Commented Feb 22, 2015 at 8:35

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