The context is the following: the character recently made a suggestion in order to help his friend. However another character warms him that his "suggestion" may be taken wrongly by his friend.





I generally understand the sentence, however I'm stumbled on this part here


my understanding of this from context is akin to "He may have misunderstood me" however as far I know "把握されている" means "I'm being understood" which obviously doesn't fit the context.

What exactly did I miss in this sentence?

  • 1
    The subject of 把握されている is 意図. "There's even a possibility that the intention is being incorrectly interpreted."
    – naruto
    Commented Oct 7 at 3:42

1 Answer 1


I agree that 把握されている means "being understood". 間違って is the "manner" in which this happens. So you could translate 間違って把握されている as "being understood incorrectly".

"Manner" is one of the ways the te-form is used. Some similar examples:

  • 歩いて帰る (go home on foot)
  • 急いで仕上げる (finish quickly)

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