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Questions tagged [clause-pattern]

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16 votes
1 answer

What does the pattern [xはxで] mean?

It appears like this, in a sentence about surfing: 前のめりにすると、前は前で浮力が無くなります。 I know the general meaning is "If you lean over forward, ...the flotation goes away." I think that the meaning of "前は前で" is ...
DR Win's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

Can 「XければXほどY」 clause pattern be shortened to 「XほどY」?

There is a clause pattern 「XければXほどY」. For example, 「近【ちか】ければ近【ちか】いほど便【べん】利【り】」 which means something like "the nearer it is, the more convenient it will be". Can I shorten the clause to 「近【ちか】いほど便【べん】...
Lukman's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Difference お疲れ様です vs お疲れ様でした while leaving from office?

Most of the time, I use to say "お疲れ様です" while someone else leaving the office. But many of my colleagues say "お疲れ様でした". Does it have any difference? Also, I want to know, can we use "お疲れ様です" while ...
Irfan's user avatar
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