The English sentence "I went east to Japan." is quite simple - a direction and a destination together in a sentence. But it seems this is rather tricky to translate into Japanese.
I asked this Hinative question about how best to translate the sentence, and the answers are a bit contradictory. My question is, in a nutshell: I want to know if 「私は東へ、日本に行った。」 is grammatically correct or not.
In the main answerer's second comment, they say that 「私は東へ、日本に行った。」 would be grammatically correct, because it's considered to be a contraction of two sentences: 「私は東へ向かった。日本に行った。」.
However, that strikes me as odd. Isn't that essentially how the directional へ particle works all the time? If 「私は東へ、日本に行った。」 is grammatically valid, then why wouldn't it be valid to say that you can include both "direction+へ" and "destination+に" in sentences all the time?
Hoping to get a second opinion from the grammar experts in this group. Thanks in advance!