I'm reading this article about how air conditioning and electric fans turn into a lot of fires. The final sentence has put me in a little loop though. I cannot tell if there is a double conditional being used here or not.
There is a と but then a little later on there is あったら. I am not really sure what is intended by the と. I know that と has multiple meanings, but I am unsure if it should be translated to a 'if' or a 'when'. Also another major bump for me is the あったら as I have only seen the たら-form being used as a conditional marker. It seems really strange to me to have a double conditional, but ultimately I am unsure
My translation: The case for old air conditioning units and electric fans that are in use for at least 20 years, which (if they? [based on と]) are always making strange sounds and (if? [based on たら-form]) they are unusual, these are the ones you do not want to use they said.