In my vocabulary learning I've recently come across the pattern of 社内、車内、体内 and was wondering... can I apply this pattern of [something]内 to many other things?

For example, if I wanted to say "in the station" could I say 駅内?

How about "in the team", would it be valid to say "チーム内" or is it just for places you can physically enter?

It's a hard one to Google because of how they just break it down to ない。

  • Partly related, maybe? japanese.stackexchange.com/q/9428/9831 / japanese.stackexchange.com/a/35981/9831
    – chocolate
    Commented Feb 22, 2018 at 4:21
  • 2
    We also have 国内、県内、都内、府内、市内、区内、町内、室内、場内、会場内、構内、船内、電車内、列車内、機内、空港内、店内、邸内、党内、部内、組織内、屋内、庫内、館内、学内、大学内、城内、圏内、胎内、区域内、管内、範囲内、~地内、~域内、~構内、~場内, etc...
    – chocolate
    Commented Feb 22, 2018 at 6:33
  • Thanks @Chocolate. Partially related, extremely useful and much appreciated. And thanks for the list of other examples. The fun never ends!
    – Leonard
    Commented Feb 23, 2018 at 12:10

1 Answer 1

  • 駅{えき} ⇒ (No) 駅内 ⇒ (Yes) 駅{えき}構内{こうない} station premises, station yard, (Yes) 駅[中]{なか}
    駅弁{えきべん}は、「駅構内で販売{はんばい}される弁当{べんとう}」を意味{いみ}する。Ekiben means "a box lunch sold within station premises".
    駅中 is a newly coined word, which is a common name for commercial space developed in railway stations located under jurisdiction by Japanese railway operators, and it is explained here. It is written as 駅ナカ, エキナカ or 駅中 etc.
  • チーム ⇒ (Yes) チーム[内]{ない}
  • 仲間{なかま} members of one's group ⇒ (Yes) 仲間[内]{うち}
    仲間内の約束{やくそく}ごと conventions of the buddy
  • 学校{がっこう} ⇒ (?) 学校内 ⇒ (Yes) 校内{こうない}, (Yes) 学校[中]{じゅう}
    校内[放送]{ほうそう} school public address system; broadcasts aired within the school
    彼{かれ}は学校/学校中で一番{いちばん}背{せ}が高{たか}い。 He is the tallest student in my school.
  • 家庭{かてい} family ⇒ (Yes) 家庭[内]{ない}
    家庭内[暴力]{ぼうりょく} domestic violence
  • 病院{びょういん} hospital ⇒ (Yes) 病院[内]{ない}, (Yes) 院内{いんない}, (Yes) 病院[中]{じゅう}, (No) 院中
    病院内/院内では静粛{せいしゅく}にお願{ねが}いします。 Please be quiet in the hospital!
    院内[感染]{かんせん} healthcare-acquired infection [HAI]; nosocomial infection
    A先生{せんせい}が看護婦{かんごふ}のBさんを好{す}きなのは病院中の誰{だれ}もが知{し}っている。 Everyone knows that doctor A is into nurse B in the hospital.
    あの火事{かじ}では、あっという間{ま}に煙{けむり}が病院中に広{ひろ}がった。 At that fire, smoke quickly spread within the building of the hospital.
  • Thanks for that. So it looks as though, like with much in Japanese, there isn't a definite set logic to follow and things generally better to learn these instances on an individual basis.
    – Leonard
    Commented Feb 21, 2018 at 7:59
  • If anything I'd assume the converse -- If a compound word contains the Kanji 内 it likely has to do with something within something else, but not necessarily all expressions that have to do with something within something else will use the Kanji 内 (some may use the Kanji 中 or something else).
    – psosuna
    Commented Feb 22, 2018 at 1:33

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