??? Princess Ori, who was skilled with the weaving, and Hikoboshi the cowherd come to love each other and will get married.

Now, I'm assuming that the で in bold somehow tells us that Princess Ori is the daughter of the Sky King. But, this doesn't fit with my usual understanding of で as either a location marker, 'by means of', or て-form of copula.

Have I understood the meaning correctly? Can you please give some more examples of how/when I should use で in this way?

1 Answer 1


The で is the te-form of the copula (or, the continuative form of the assertive auxiliary) だ.

Princess Ori, [who was the daughter of the Sky King and] [was skilled with the weaving]

To turn this noun phrase into its non-relative equivalent:

Princess Ori was the daughter of the Sky King and was skilled with the weaving.
(≂ おり姫は、天帝の娘だった。おり姫は、はたを織るのが上手だった。)


太郎は花子の弟。+ 太郎は東京の大学に通っている。
→花子の弟、東京の大学に通っている太郎 (noun phrase)

  • 考え過ぎていて恥ずかしいんです。 Commented Apr 30, 2017 at 17:15
  • ^ いあいあ、気にしないで~これからもお互い頑張ろう^^
    – chocolate
    Commented May 1, 2017 at 9:19

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