What's the meaning of this sentence and what does なので mean here? If possible, I would like to know the grammatical rules of なので as well.
What's the meaning of this sentence and what does なので mean here? If possible, I would like to know the grammatical rules of なので as well.
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Similar to から, it is used to express reason or cause. Use な when following a noun or word that functions as a noun.
冬{ふゆ}なので花{はな}は咲{さ}いてない。 There are no flowers (blooming) because it's / of winter.
下手{へた}なのでやめた方{ほう}がいいかな? I wonder if I should quit it because I am not good at it.
もう遅{おそ}いので帰{かえ}ろうね。 It's (already) late, so let's go home (friendly).
Like から, it can mean "so", "therefore", "since", "because", but ので is technically supposed to be used for highlighting a cause-and-effect relationship, while から is for subjectively presenting a cause or a reason.
Either way, ので feels more polite, so it is often the one used when you are gently expressing a reason, asking for permission, when making an excuse, or other similar situations.
The な is added when following nouns and na adjectives, and what it's doing is essentially replacing a だ.
Here's an example of that: