In that sentence. Is the person saying date me or just simply, "go on date"? And what does cho na mean? Thanks
This means:
Do your best in the final (match) ! After it finishes, please date with me."
I am a native Japanese speaker but I have never heard the expression ちょーなー. So I thought it's from a dialect and googled ちょーなー but I found nothing.
This word might be a combination of ちょー
and なー
, I think.
is an abbreviation of ちょうだい
, in a informal way.
デートしてちょー。 (Date with me.)
On the other hand, なー
can be used in similar cases.
デートしてなー。 (Date with me.)
Sentences that ends with なー
is mostly spoken by people who live in western Japan.
is literary translated in English, it just mean date with someone
. But in most cases, [私]{わたし}と (with me)
is hid before the beginning of デートして
. As a result, if a girl/boy say デートして
to its boy/girlfriend, it means Date with me
. You won't ask your girl/boyfriend to "date with someone not me", will you? Thanks.
I grew up saying and hearing 「ちょーな」 said by others on a daily basis.
This is an expression from Nagoya dialect and 「~~してちょう(な)」 means the same thing as 「~~してほしい = "I want you to ~~"」 in Standard Japanese. The 「な」 is for emphasis and, therefore, is optional, and for extra emphasis, you can elongate the 「な」.
Thus, 「[終]{お}わったらデートしてちょーなー。」 means "When you're finished, I want you to go out with me!"
OP should have provided more context so I could explain 「ファイナルがんばって!」. If the speaker were talking to an idol, 「ファイナル」 would mean the final concert on a tour. We do say 「ファイナル」 for that.
If, however, people shorten ファイナルファンタジー to ファイナル, then that might be what it refers to. I do not play those games, so I am clueless on this.