I read a story and there's this 1 part 話だけで良いのなら, which i don't understand much and can only guess as : "If stories are all we need (to find out the truth in events that happened inside Imperial court recently"

Hope someone knowledgeable about Japanese could help me understand correctly. Context: Main protagonist and his friends came to the Forbidden City (located at the capital named 洛陽/ Luoyang).One person is a military advisor 朱里, and the other is a province governor 公孫賛. Recently there was a political revolt happened inside the Imperial court, lead by a character 董卓. This person replaced the old emperor 霊帝 with a new emperor 献帝, also purged all high ranking officials that she considered corrupt.

Main characters and his friends want to find out the truth of what had actually happened here, since all they've heard after they arrived at the capital are rumors.

Main character「ここ最近の朝廷は、なんだかとんでもない事になってるみたいだしな」







1 Answer 1


話だけ in this context means "just an (unconfirmed) hearsay/rumor". 話だけで良いのなら means "if mere hearsay is acceptable" or "if I can share what I've only heard about".

  • i also not sure about the meaning of this kanji 先手 at 董卓は匈奴の先手 part, does it really mean " a person is the first move (of the barbarian tribes/countries)" ? Commented Dec 5 at 21:47
  • @MemoriesPlastic I've never seen 先手 used that way. It's probably a mere typo for 手先.
    – naruto
    Commented Dec 5 at 22:59

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