What does "見てけらしょ" mean? This is the full sentence:


(It is from the book 鉄道員 written by 浅田次郎.)

This is the previous sentence for more context:


1 Answer 1


I think most native speakers would understand it as a dialectal form for 見てください even if they have never heard it or don’t know what dialect it is. (I haven't and don't, but it sounds like a northern dialect to me.)

見てけろ is another possible form. You might find it easier to guess because it sounds closer to the imperative 見てくれ.

  • 1
    So are you figuring that けらしょ derives from a contraction of くれ + ましょう, or something like that? Commented Oct 4, 2022 at 3:01
  • Ya, as Karl asks, any insight into derivation would be lovely. 😄 Commented Oct 5, 2022 at 20:23
  • 1
    @EiríkrÚtlendi - I don't know. It just sounds similar to some of the variations for ください I know from different dialects such as くれんさい and くらっせ. I think the /s/ or /sh/ sound is related to なされ. I see no connection with ましょう.
    – aguijonazo
    Commented Oct 6, 2022 at 1:40

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