I came across the following paragraph in a book.
一日の始まりは、まず基礎{きそ}体力の鍛錬{たんれん}。腹筋、屈伸{くっしん}、腕立{うでた}て伏{ふ}せ。お定まりの筋力トレーニングを、呼吸が上がり床{ゆか}に這{は}いつくばるまで 繰{く}り返す。
Is 上がり being used as a noun plus noun compound with 床 in reference to a "risen floor", as seen in these online images?
Or is 上がり being used as a reference to the author's moving body as him exercising contextually produces a downward (這いつくばる) then upward (繰り返す) motion, as further evidenced in the following excerpt taken from heretomurimudamura's answer?
"上がります means that something is going up in reference to a past position."