I came across the following paragraph in a book.

一日の始まりは、まず基礎{きそ}体力の鍛錬{たんれん}。腹筋、屈伸{くっしん}、腕立{うでた}て伏{ふ}せ。お定まりの筋力トレーニングを、呼吸が上がり床{ゆか}に這{は}いつくばるまで 繰{く}り返す

Is 上がり being used as a noun plus noun compound with 床 in reference to a "risen floor", as seen in these online images?

Or is 上がり being used as a reference to the author's moving body as him exercising contextually produces a downward (這いつくばる) then upward (繰り返す) motion, as further evidenced in the following excerpt taken from heretomurimudamura's answer?

"上がります means that something is going up in reference to a past position."

1 Answer 1


Here 上がり is connected not to 床 but to 呼吸(が). 呼吸が上がる is a set phrase meaning "to be out of breath". 息が上がる and 息が切れる mean the same. Perhaps it's related to the thirteenth definition here. The masu-stem is used to connect two verbs (you know how this works because you asked about it before).

(Someone) repeats the muscle training until she/he's out of breath and grovels on the floor.

  • I didn't know 呼吸が上がる was a set phrase. Can you recommend some books or online sites which would allow me to search Japanese set phrases?
    – Toyu_Frey
    Commented Nov 25, 2019 at 4:16
  • @Toyu_Frey Hmm, jisho.org lists 息が上がる, but 呼吸が上がる is less common. Still, I think you can suspect this is some phrase because 呼吸が床に這いつくばる ("the breath grovels on the (rising-)floor") makes no sense...
    – naruto
    Commented Nov 25, 2019 at 4:21
  • Weird that the site didn't try to give me 息が上がる as a possible search result when I searched 息が上がり earlier. Because of that I mistook 上がり as to mean this 上がり jisho.org has.
    – Toyu_Frey
    Commented Nov 25, 2019 at 4:34
  • 1
    @Toyu_Frey You should use the dictionary form :)
    – naruto
    Commented Nov 25, 2019 at 4:51
  • I wrongly thought 上がり WAS the dictionary form. Of course I'm wrong. Again. (In retrospect you'd think I'd have picked up on this pattern and figured out some way to counteract it, but apparently that's not the case) :)
    – Toyu_Frey
    Commented Nov 25, 2019 at 5:10

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