Lets say 11am
How would you say: ''See you tomorrow at 11.'' ?
All I have is :
ashita wa juuichi ji ni ... what now ? ...
I found this expression online :
11 のあなたは見てください
Lets say 11am
How would you say: ''See you tomorrow at 11.'' ?
All I have is :
ashita wa juuichi ji ni ... what now ? ...
I found this expression online :
11 のあなたは見てください
Roughly in the order of informality, native speakers would say:
・「じゃあ、明日{あした}(の)[11時]{じゅういちじ}に!」 (no verb)
・「じゃあ/では/それでは、明日(の)11時に(また)会{あ}いましょう。」 (with verb)
The last phrase above is already "borderline formal", but for many adult speakers (if not for teenagers), it would sound fairly informal. An example of the formal phrase by anyone's standard would be:
Notice that I dropped the 「じゃあ」 option as it is too informal to go with this level of formality. Notice also that 「明日」 is read 「あす」 here to fit better in the formal phrase.
I found this expression online :
11 のあなたは見てください
That is just complete gibberish, period.
A neat way I always used to say it was to roll together "tomorrow" with either "morning" / "afternoon" / "evening".
A native would probably never say it in conversation but would always understand. The following are more written / formal words (I think?):
みょうちょう = "tomorrow morning" (shorthand for 明日の朝)
みょうばん = "tomorrow evening" (shorthand for 明日の夜)
So, saying "みょうちょう、9時に会うぞ" is sort of a succinct, informal, way to say "See you at 9-am tomorrow morning". See how you are shrinking "tomorrow morning" into just 2 sounds "みょう and ちょう". A native speaker would "think twice" (and hopefully think its a little clever.)