I'm reading a light novel and am stuck on a sentence. One big problem is this phrase:
I know that ーくて is used to connect things, and my understanding of かつ is that it's a strong connector, but I don't understand it exactly.
The full, long sentence is:
I was hoping someone could help me understand what parts of this sentence mean so I may continue reading my book lol, specifically:
What is the first phrase of the sentence supposed to mean? Does the ような only connect to 優{やさ}しくて? I would think the phrase would mean "kindness like Yoshida-san's" but the くて makes it seem like that's not how to translate it.
What exactly does かつ connect in this sentence? Does it connect everything before it and everything after it until the のは?
And finally, if someone could explain what this triple connector combination of て、かつ、And も means in 優{やさ}しくて、かつ人間{にんげん}も then that'd help me a lot.
Thank you~