Couldn't find the answer here, so I thought it would be a nice and easy question.
Which would be the right way to say "Next 'ANY_DAY_OF_THE_WEEK'"? Eg: Next Monday?
次の月曜日 is fine? Are there any other ways to say it?
Thanks in advance!
Couldn't find the answer here, so I thought it would be a nice and easy question.
Which would be the right way to say "Next 'ANY_DAY_OF_THE_WEEK'"? Eg: Next Monday?
次の月曜日 is fine? Are there any other ways to say it?
Thanks in advance!
As said in the comments, 来週の月曜日 for example would be the most common. And it would be used to mean "the monday of next week" whereas 次の月曜日 would be used to mean "next monday" so there is a slight nuance.
次の月曜日 means next monday as I said, so it can be next monday from any week (the current one or next one). 来週の月曜日 specifically means that it is the monday from next week that we are talking about.
来月曜日 however is not used.
It is the same for "previous week". (先週の月曜日 and not 先月曜日)
As pointed out in the comments and @SensitiveTesticle's answer, in colloquial Japanese, it's more frequent to say 来週の月曜日, meaning Monday of the next week. 翌週{よくしゅう}の月曜日, 次週{じしゅう}の月曜日, 明{あ}くる週の月曜日 meaning Monday of the following week, can also be used.
There are some phrases meaning "Next ...". For example, Next Monday can be translated into:
The final 日 in each phrase can be omitted.