Could anyone explain to me what the differences are between these words, both in meaning and usage?
1 Answer
- 望み
- hope (expectation for future / expectation of surviving, sustaining)
望みを捨てるな don't give up hope
- desire, wish (expectation of obtaining / achieving)
望み薄 fat chance
- hope (expectation for future / expectation of surviving, sustaining)
- 志望
- aim of becoming (of profession, school etc.)
志望動機 reason for applying (for the job etc.)
- aim of becoming (of profession, school etc.)
- 希望
- hope; sounds slightly more bookish, but also more modern than 望み
- wish, preference (request out of one's taste)
希望が通る request is met
- 願い
- wish, hope (which is not necessarily fulfilled by one's own effort)
願いがかなう wish comes true
- [suffixing] letter of (request for)...
退職願 resignation letter
- wish, hope (which is not necessarily fulfilled by one's own effort)
The word forms you provided are nouns, but of course they can be used as verbs with respective meanings.