My question is: has anyone else ever experienced the following situation?

Several times I've used Japanese words or phrases that I learned from movies in actual conversations with Japanese people, but they either correct me or look confused. When I hear a word in a movie that I don't know, I assume it is something most native speakers use, so I learn that word. For example, I learned the word 完全主義者 in a movie recently, and I tried using it in conversations with two different Japanese people. Both of them corrected me with 完璧主義者. As far as I can tell, both words essentially mean 'perfectionist'. Of course I know that the normal word is 完璧主義者 but why would they actually correct me if both words mean the same thing?

Has this ever happened you? Do you think there is a difference between movie Japanese and real conversational Japanese?

  • 4
    The "movie" part might be a red herring here…
    – user1478
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 13:01
  • 3
    Is the question about 完璧主義 vs 完全主義 (more specifically), or about movie Japanese vs real conversational Japanese (more generally)?
    – chocolate
    Commented Oct 19, 2017 at 2:12

3 Answers 3


For example, I learned the word 完全主義者 in a movie recently, and I tried using it in conversations with two different Japanese people. Both of them corrected me with 完璧主義者.
















的確な答えを探せませんでしたので、私が感じている「完全」と「完璧」の違いを列記します。 これはあくまでも私見ですので、人によって理解が違うことは十分考えられます。


  • 機械あるいは計測器による測定の結果、期待する数値、水準に完全に一致している。
  • 「完全」であることの判断は、ほぼ人に依らないで一致する。
  • 機械的、学問的、数学的、ディジタル的、静的、即物的である。「完全衝突⇔×完璧衝突」「完全円⇔×完璧円」「完全水平⇔×完璧水平」「完全零位置⇔完璧零位置」


  • 期待する状態に完全に到達していることの人による評価あるいは判断。
  • 「完璧」であることの判断は、判断する人によって変わる。ある人は「完璧」と判断しても別の人は「完璧ではない」と言うかもしれない。また、「完璧」と言った人の満足感が感じられる。
  • 情緒的、アナログ的、動的、属人的である。


上司から頼まれていた仕事がようやく完成した部下が、上司に完成品を持って終了報告に来た。 上司は「完全だね!」あるいは「完璧だね!」と言った。 この場合は、「完全だね!」と言った上司は、完成した品物の完成度が非の打ちどころがないと言っているように私は感じます。一方「完璧だね!」と言った場合、完成した品物の完成度への高い評価はもちろんですが、完成品を手にした上司の満足感と、「よくやったね、ご苦労さん!」という部下に対するねぎらいの言葉もあわせて感じられます。


  • 2
    その意味は「****」であって、 -- すみません、「****」はどういう意味の記号ですか?
    – chocolate
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 1:50
  • @Chocolate: 因みに以下は、両者は、意味は「ほぼ同じ」であって、いずれも「度が過ぎると嫌われる」という部分だけが伝えたい文です。従って、両者の意味そのものは当たり前の内容として特別に伝える必要がなく、「****」で省略しております。表現が飛躍しているようですみません。
    – user20624
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 5:53
  • @mackygoo 細かく説明してくれてありがとうございました。感謝しています。
    – kandyman
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 17:43
  • @mackygoo perhaps a longer translation of each word would help? 完璧主義者 someone who always strives for the attainment of perceived perfection in their actions, 完全主義者 someone who always carries out their intended actions to total completion.
    – kandyman
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 17:53
  • In other words, there is an element of subjective appraisal in 完璧主義者 whereas there is an objective assessment of the stage of completion in 完全主義者
    – kandyman
    Commented Oct 18, 2017 at 17:55

I am not 100% sure on this, but what I have researched is that it seems the use of 完全主義者 has a negative meaning. I found it used on a psychology site that used the word in reference to point out that someone suffers from an illness of perfectionism and the person is obsessive in a negative manner. The other one, (完璧主義者) from what I looked up shows more positive meaning such as you did that flawlessly.

Here is an example sentence I found: 君は完璧な仕事をしてくれた。- You've done a perfect job.


Let 完璧 be used when one is ideal for a situation and 完全 be used when one fulfills a requirement.

I think the words can be interchangeable in the meaning. However 完全主義者 sounds referring to a really meticulous person in slightly negative way such as a person checking every procedures all the time and 完璧主義者 sounds referring to a really meticulous person in positive way such as a person trying to finish an work in detail.

I think 完璧主義者(perfectionist) is more common than the other but it’s subtle.

  • Interesting point. I suppose in English the word "perfectionist" could be taken to be either positive or negative, depending on the context. So are you suggesting that they corrected me because they felt I was using a negative term and they thought it would be better to be rephrased as a positive term? ie that they were being polite?
    – kandyman
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 13:56
  • @kandyman I do think so. They didn’t want to take it negatively. Even in Japanese 完璧主義者 could be negative but they might have felt it is better than 完全主義者。
    – user25382
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 14:11
  • 1
    you can liken it to whether you describe someone's "perfectionist" as "meticulous and detailed" or "compulsive and OCD". one has a positive connotation, the other, not so much.
    – psosuna
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 16:26
  • @psosuna As WildCard pointed out, I might find 完全主義者 in psychological symptoms and the other as normal. It’s confusing a little bit. 完全 is more of complete and 完璧 is perfect. Whether OCD or not, I might see 完全主義者 as being meticulous all the time. And 完璧主義者 is simply focusing on their work.
    – user25382
    Commented Oct 17, 2017 at 19:57

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