「身なり」 is a noun meaning "clothed appearance." English phrases like "dress neatly" or "tidy oneself up" can be translated as
in Japanese.
"OK, you can come in, I'm decent now." could be said
However, 「身なりを整える」 sounds somewhat formal. So, the example expressions which other users have suggested in the comments are more common in casual conversations.
In [浴衣]{ゆかた} and [着物]{きもの} dress worlds, 「[着姿]{きすがた}」 is a noun meaning "dressed appearance." But this word seems not to fit your context.
Sometimes, [着衣]{ちゃくい} is used as an antonym of 裸 in some contexts, although the official antonym of 着衣 is 脱衣. In the porn world, 着衣 seems to be an antonym of 全裸. However, 着衣 itself is a formal word. "Fully-clothed swimming" is called 着衣水泳 or 着衣泳 in Japanese. Anyway, 着衣 may be too formal to fit your context, but it's a possible word in some situations.
In colloquial Japanese, many people use 「[見]{み}せられる[格好]{かっこう}」 to express a clothed appearance. For example,
(knock, knock)
Clothed [涼太]{りょうた}「[美咲]{みさき}ちゃん、[迎]{むか}えに[来]{き}たよ。ドア[開]{あ}けて。」
Half-naked [美咲]{みさき}「あ〜〜まだ、[見]{み}せられる[格好]{かっこう}してない。ちょっと[待]{ま}って。」
Clothed 涼太「いいよ、[俺]{おれ}、そーゆーの[気]{き}にしないから。[開]{あ}けて。」
Half-naked 美咲「わたし、[気]{き}にするから。もうちょっとだけ[待]{ま}って。」
「[人様]{ひとさま}に[見]{み}せられる[格好]{かっこう}ではない」 is a common phrase of 見せられる格好. Tweets on Twitter may not be good examples of it, but, people use this phrase like these: tweets containing 見せられる格好.
「見せられない格好」 can mean not only [裸]{はだか}, but also various embarrassing appearances. So, 見せられる格好 is not a perfect opposite of 裸. But the expression 見せられる格好 may be useful in some situations in real life.
Clothed / Unclothed Group of People
I think that there are many words which can be antonyms or quasi-antonyms of 「裸の[人々]{ひとびと}」 in various contexts.
When a noun is used to describe a group of clothed people, what kind of clothes the people wear is usually specified in Japanese. For example,
[普段着]{ふだんぎ}の人々/ [正装]{せいそう}の人々 / [制服]{せいふく}の人々 /
[和服]{わふく}の人々 / [洋服]{ようふく}の人々 /
[厚着]{あつぎ}の人々 / [薄着]{うすぎ}の人々 / [半袖]{はんそで}の人々 / [青]{あお}い[服]{ふく}の人々 etc.
Hope that helps.