In English, we have a construction like
Yeah, I would never let him in. If you were to ask why, well, I guess I'd say because he's too young.
My sense of the nuance is that it admits that what you just said may result in a "why?"; that what you said is perhaps a little hard to understand without a reason. Sort of a way of softening a strong statement. (The "guess" softens it even more in that example.)
I was trying to think of an equivalent in Japanese, and first, I thought of 「なぜなら」, but that seems to have a completely different nuance to me (rather stilted, and certainly not softening; perhaps like "As to why," in English).
Then, I thought of perhaps the more syntactically similar option, 「なぜかというと」. I think this might have a similar softening nuance to "If you were to ask why", but I'm not entirely sure since I don't hear it too often.
Is 「なぜかというと、〜」 a reasonable equivalent to "If you were to ask why, ..." in English (i.e., similar nuance)? Is there a better equivalent?
Yeah, I would never let him in. If you were to ask why, well, I guess I'd say because he's too young.
日本語で言おうとして、最初に頭に浮かんだのは「なぜなら」だったのですが、「なぜなら」は全く違うニュアンスを持っているような気がします。(とても堅苦しい、けして和らげはしないニュアンス。英語の"As to why,"に似てるような。)
次に思いついたのは、「なぜかというと」だったのです。考えてみるとこの方が構文的には英語に近いですね。"If you were to ask why"と同じ和らげるニュアンスがあるような気がしますが、あまり耳にしない表現なので、よく分かりません。
「なぜかというと、〜」は"If you were to ask why"に相当する日本語ですか?更に相当する日本語はありますか?