I'm a little clueless with these two sentences right here.



Some of the words I've tried scouring the dictionary but to no avail, 消費増税後の駆け込み需要? I don't quite understand how 駆け込み relates to 需要 in the sentence. Here's another one: 反動減 I know 反動 means reactionary, but what does the 減 do here? I tried looking up for it and nothing showed up. What does it mean in the sentence? How would you translate it?

Also, does the 政府 here correspond to 再引き上げする or みている? Or is みている simply a grammatical pattern I'm unaware of?

For context:

反動減の長期化懸念 景気判断据え置き 8月経済報告







1 Answer 1


「[駆]{か}け[込]{こ}み」, in this context, means "last-minute"; therefore, 「駆け込み[需要]{じゅよう}」 means "last-minute demand". If you are doing something at the last minute, you will have to 駆ける = "run fast", won't you?

「[反動減]{はんどうげん}」 means a "reactionary downturn".

In April of 2014, the Japanese consumption tax rose from 5% to 8%, causing a last-minute surge in demand in many industries because many individuals and corporations wanted to save money by purchasing goods before the tax hike took place on April 1. After April, however, we naturally had a reactionary downturn in demand of goods because we had stocked up pretty good before April. 「減」 = the downturn

On to the next sentence 「政府は7~9月期には自動車の生産・販売や住宅建設などが反動減から脱して景気が上向くことが、来年10月に消費税率を予定通り10%に再引き上げするのに欠かせないとみている。」.

Subject of sentence: [政府]{せいふ} = the Japanese Government

Main verb: みている = To observe (for judgement). There sure is the quotative 「と」 there. 「~~とみている」 = "~~ is the way someone sees it".

What is the administration's judgement? (What is the "~~" part?) It is 「7~9月期には自動車の生産・販売や住宅建設などが反動減から脱して景気が上向くことが、来年10月に消費税率を予定通り10%に再引き上げするのに欠かせない」.

(I am not translating any part of it unless you show us your own attempt.)

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