I found this sentence as an answer to the question: "What are some of the symbols of Japan's wealth?"


I'm not sure whether it means they're buying a lot of next-generation fighters, or none at all.

I think it's a bunkei I have yet to learn, and I can't find it in the textbook.

2 Answers 2


There is no relation here. It is simply 何機も followed by the form 〜(よ)うとする. The 何機も corresponds to the combat planes because planes are counted with . The 何 + counter + も pattern just means "several" or an undetermined amount of that thing. For example

  • 食堂に生徒が何人もいます → There are several / There are a number of students in the cafeteria.

So your first translation is correct. "They will try/intend to purchase several combat planes next." (+ こと to answer the question).


It's not as apparent in [ 食堂に生徒が何人もいます ]  but

in [ 次期主力戦闘機を何機も買おうとしていること ]

the implication is (as you said) that they're buying a lot of next-generation fighters -- the suggestion of "too many" or "many".

The "too many" sense is clear in the follwoing examples.

  • そんなに何度も何度も 言わないで分かってるから   無残にも悲しい顔を ひとつすることもなくて 溶けて消えてゆく 染まって色づいてく綺麗な言葉ほど歪んでいて「もうほっといて ...

夜、何度もトイレに起きる男は早死にする!?       東洋経済オンライン-2016/08/30

夜間、何度もトイレに起きる男性が多いようですね。 統計によると日本人男性の場合、50歳以上になると、夜中に1回以上トイレに起きる人が半分以上を占めるとされます。さらに70歳以上では、1回以上トイレに起きる人が大半を占めるそうです ...

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