I am currently trying to understand the difference between は and が in Japanese. As far as I have learnt, が and は can both be used after subjects, but は can shed a spotlight on the topic of the conversation. For practice, I constructed a few sentences of my own.


In the second sentence, I still intend for the topic to be John, so I used が after 食べ物. However, I am unsure about whether this is correct because usually when I see sentences in this format, は is used instead of が.

Is my example correct or is there any language nuances that I have overlooked? Any help is deeply appreciated.


2 Answers 2


一番好きなあまい食べ物 りんごです
                ↑look here

the above が indicates the focus of the sentence is the subject clause. (don't look at the apple, that's not the new information). It's misdirection. は on the other hand, tells you that new information is coming immediately after: what's his/her favorite fruit? (IMPORTANT INFORMATION COMING): apples.


"か" proposes a new scene or topic. "は" maintains coherence and makes the article a whole. Your second sentence is also used to explain John's preferences. It should form a coherent semantics with the previous sentence, so "は" should be used.

  • 1
    Could you explain more what you mean by "は maintains coherence and makes the article a whole"?
    – Earthliŋ
    Commented Jan 28 at 15:42

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