In grammar explanations, it is often given that ごとに and おきに have the same usage for time expressions such as 時間。 Lets.
Lets say we have these two sentences- 私は一時間ごとにお茶を飲みます。 私は一時間置きにお茶を飲みます。 These:
- 私は一時間ごとにお茶を飲みます。
- 私は一時間おきにお茶を飲みます。
These two sentences mean the same thing. However
However, is there a difference in nuance in both these sentences.? For example, lets say that I start drinking tea at 9am. My next cup of tea would be anywhere between 10 am-11am for ごとに. Say Say, 10.30ish. But
But when I say おきに does it strictly have to be at 10am sharp? (after the time interval of 1 hour)