In an IMABI tutorial showcasing the differences between 間 vs うち, the author notes:
Again, it is possible for 間 to not be followed by a particle, but this is not possible for うち.
and then uses the following sentence as an example:
I was caught in the rain till I got home.
Question: Isn't this just an example of a particle being omitted (but still there, implicitly) from 間? That is, isn't this just "家に帰るまでの間に" or "家に帰るまでの間ながら"? If this is the case, couldn't we just convert sentences like
to get them "particleless", as well?
If not, and there really is zero particles in the original sentence (implicitly and explicitly), then does that mean 「家に帰るまでの間」is functioning purely adverbially there?