I know that it literally means "to cut hair" but it was used as following:
おはよう! 髪を切る
Is this an idiom, and if so, when do you use it?
I know that it literally means "to cut hair" but it was used as following:
おはよう! 髪を切る
Is this an idiom, and if so, when do you use it?
I think you mention the sentence from Gintama "第69話「ゴミの分別回収にご協力下さい」".
Kagura said "おはようございます。髪切った?"
Someone tweeted the part.
This is just a Joke. NOT idiom.
I think it is too difficult to understand this joke for those who haven't lived in Japan for long time.
To understand this Joke, you need to know the followings:
Then, it looks a horror in this Gintama's episode, "第69話「ゴミの分別回収にご協力下さい」".
Kagura imitatied/copied "Tamori" after she said "おはようございます。" to wake Ginchan up.
Anyway, this is just Joke/parody.
I don't know who said "おはよう。髪切る。" and what context it is, but I think he/she imitated this joke/parody.