I am reading this article on NHK, but I am having a hard time understanding the title...
緊急事態宣言出すのを前に諮問委員会始まる 専門家に意見聴く
for the first part 緊急事態宣言出すのを前に諮問委員会始まる
I am having a hard time parsing this. I understand:
緊急事態宣言出す - releasing the declaration of the state of emergency
諮問委員会始まる - Advisory committee begins
What is throwing me off is the 前に after the のを...
if it was:
緊急事態宣言出すのを諮問委員会始まる - The advisory committee will begin the releasing of the declaration of the state of emergency.
緊急事態宣言出す前に諮問委員会始まる - The advisory committee will begin before releasing of the declaration of the state of emergency.
So what I think it means is this?! is it correct?
緊急事態宣言出すのを前に諮問委員会始まる - The advisory committee will begin the releasing of the declaration of the state of emergency before. (before what??)
Now for the second part
専門家に意見聴く - Asking the opinion of a specialist.
Why are they using 聴く and not 聞く or 訊く?
if it was
専門家の意見(を)聴く - Hearing the opinion of a specialist.
I would be fine with it....