I see more idiomatic phrase like 乾坤{けんこん}一擲{いってき} の大勝負{おおしょうぶ}。
"Playoff game for the Championship competing with Hawks at Fukuoka as away team. All or nothing game with high stakes to hit the jackpot."
一世{いっせい}一代{いちだい}の大勝負{おおしょうぶ}に出る is also used often when you are taking risk a lot.
「だから一世一代の大勝負に出て投資用にアパートを買っても、入居者がいなかったら毎月赤字を垂れ流すリスクがあった。」the sentence from 「利回り」で金を生む家・車・時計の選び方|新R25.
"If you bought an apartment with high stakes for an investment and found no tenants, you had risk to face deficit every month."