For full context:
The sentence in question: 日本で働く外国人労働者は去年127万人余りと、統計を取り始めた平成20年以降最も多くなったことが厚生労働省のまとめでわかりました。
My attempt at translation: "Concerning the foreigner employees who work in japan, through the conclusion of the ministry of health, labour and welfare we know that last year it became more than 1270000 since 20 years heisei era where they began taking the statistics."
So I basically ignored the と in 余りと because I didnt know how to interprete it. The entry on jisho didnt seem to fit either .
Im also not sure if I resolved the nominal phrase 統計を取り始めた平成20年以降最 correctly by making 統計を取り始めた a relative attribute.
I think that 余り and 多くなった are somehow related, since the foreigners "became more than...". However, the more semantics already is in the word あまり, which is why it seems like a doublette if 多くなった follows.
Ultimately, Im very skeptical about my interpretation of まとめで. I interpreted で as a particle indicating a means because it fit my interpretation well, but since my interpretation had a lot of guesses, I feel like this is probably not right xD