I don't know if this question is appropriate for this site or not, but I am going to ask this question hoping for clarification.
When I hear について It feels like the declaration or introduction of something and somehow I expect a comment (wathever it is I can understand the sentence immediately.) but when I hear は I immediately think about it as a subject marker.
For example
りんごについて、食べた。 りんごは食べた。
I perceive them differently.
りんごについて、食べた。 I declare it's about apples. I comment "Ate".
Or I declare that it is regarding the apple. I comment "Ate".りんごは食べた。 I see this as apples ate. But I know that it is not correct. I know that it should sound something like what I hear with について.
So my question is:
Is について a topic marker too?
If in my mind I uset について instead of は, but while talking I would say は, would make my sentence weird to someone hearing.
When reading it like this I get lost when I see は because while subsconsciouly I think about it as the subject marker I consciously know that it is not and I am not sure how to perceive it.
This feels easier for me.
I literally hear it like this:
It's about "The flash of light which expanded to the dimension of a sword". I comment "Without any mercy it is being thrust at Kamijo's neck".
"The flash of light which expanded to the dimension of a sword" I declare it regards this, The comment is "Without any mercy it is being thrust at Kamijo's neck".
The feeling I get with について is:
剣ほどの大きさにまで膨らんだ青白い閃光 is just an introduction and a declaration and it needs a comment, what really matters is what I say about that "情け容赦なく上条(かみじょう)の首へと叩き込まれる。"
1)Would it sound weird as a sentence to a native speaker if instead of は there was について in a case like this?
2)To you natiev speakers, does は sound kind of like について sounds to me?