In 'All About Particles', I have come across the sentence:


(Ogawa is good at languages, he can speak both French and Italian.)

What is the use of で in this sentence? I can kind of understand it as placing the second part in context, however I would have used です, would that also work?

2 Answers 2


で like this is essentially the conjunctive form of です. You can make two separate statements: 「Aです。Bです。」 Or you can make one statement that combines the two: 「Aで、Bです。」In this usage pattern, as you note, the A part provides the context, and the で functions a bit like the English "it is A and it is B".


“で” or “ので” is a conjunction equivalent to and, so, as, and because, as in,

彼女は料理が好き、特にパスタ料理が得意です - She is a good cooker and her specialty is pasta dishes.

ウイスキーを一杯飲んそれから出かけました - He had a gulp of a glass of whiskey and went out.

彼は勉強家、中国語を3年間で完全にマスターしました - He is a hard-worker, so he completely mastered Chinese in three years.

彼は言い間違えたので訂正しました - He misspoke. So he corrected it

彼は骨折入院しました - Because of a fracture, he got hospitalized.

彼女は愛想がいいので皆に好かれています - Because (as) she is so amiable, she is liked by everybody.

  • 3つ目の例ですが、「3年間で」ではなく「勉強家で」の「で」を太字にしようと思われたのではないですか?「3年間で」の「で」は、助動詞ではなく助詞ですので。 また、5つ目の例の「骨折で」の「で」も、助動詞ではなく助詞‌​ですが。
    – chocolate
    Commented Apr 10, 2016 at 4:08

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