I think you probably meant to write:
私は日本語が悪いです。(Lit. As for me, Japanese is bad.)
私の日本語は悪いです。(Lit. My Japanese is bad.)
The word 悪い is a literal translation of the English 'bad'. In Japanese, you don't use 悪い to say you're not good at something. Instead, I recommend saying:
私は日本語が[下手]{へた}です。(Lit. As for me, Japanese is poor/unskillful.)
私は日本語が[上手]{じょうず}ではありません。(Lit. As for me, Japanese is not good/skillful.)
私の日本語は[下手]{へた}です。(Lit. My Japanese is poor/unskillful.)
Grammatically speaking, both 「私は~が・・・」 and 「私の~は・・・」 are acceptable here (though the focus might be different). Similarly, you could say:
山田さんは[髪]{かみ}が[長]{なが}いです。(Lit. As for Yamada-san, hair is long.)
山田さんの髪は長いです。(Lit. Yamada-san's hair is long.)
to say 'Yamada-san has long hair'.