I am currently going over a translated children's picture book, お掃除を覚えたがらないリスのゲルランゲ; it seemed to have gotten popular in Japanese children's literature, but not anywhere else; I can not find the original French title or even if it was translated into English.
Regardless, I am focusing on a particular play of words; in the introduction, 11 squirrels are said to live with their grandmother in a beech tree. They do a lot of children's games in the forest:
My focus is on "リスとび"; なわとび is jump-rope, and I found 二人とび online, which refers to using one jump-rope for two people. However, what could "リス" be substituting for? I am trying to think what squirrels in a forest would use to jump-rope with. My thinking is coming from the fact that there is a specific reason they did not just opt for "なわとび," thinking there is some children's game I am not aware of.
I could be overthinking it, but does anyone have any ideas?
EDIT: Noting a comment, I could be overthinking things. Here is the illustration on the page for reference: