I came across this sentence, and I was wondering, how would the nuance change if I changed the で to に?
1 Answer
There is not clearcut distinction, but roughly,
- に is less frequently used in speech
- に is used more often with non-tangible objects.
Conversely, I feel で is kind of more neutral.
To me, 異邦人にあふれている is a little odd, possibly because 異邦人 is a physical object.
Most common examples with に would be やさしさ/活気/希望にあふれた (full of tenderness/liveliness/hope).
Note that に can be the standard location particle as in 世の中にあふれた怪しい話 (literally fishy stories of which there's plenty in the world).
Do you think similar stuff applies to any kind of verb that uses に and its meaning is something close to "being full"? As in 満ちる? Commented Sep 28, 2023 at 8:39
1@prdelsmradkava As for に満ちた, yes. And I guess 満ちた more often comes with に (i.e., it comes with intangible object). But いっぱい cannot really take に. It always comes with で (regardless of the tangibility). E.g. 幸せでいっぱい. Commented Sep 28, 2023 at 13:49