Sorry for the vague title, not sure what else I could have put there.
I'm reading a light novel at the moment and came across a part where I'm a little unsure on who exactly is doing the action. To set the scene, the main character is being attacked by a bear who knows Chinese martial arts. Here's the excerpt:
This is how I understand this section:
Taking a deep breath the bear lowered his body and while exhaling purple miasma in one breath just like he did before, he kicked himself off the ground and moved towards me at a high speed. A backhand blow, that's what I'll counter with. A magnificent attack where you make full use of your body weight. Then I'll follow that up with a roundhouse kick, a triple kick starting from the bottom and finish it off with a shoulder bash. ―――― No, I can't possibly dodge that bear. Easily blown away I hit the tombstone the girl was hiding behind, the tombstone breaking into pieces in the process.
Notice how I've incorporated を流れるように繰り出す。into the description of the sequence of the attacks.
Am I right in assuming that the backhand blow and the sequence of the attacks described are what the main character intends to carry out? And the part where it says ――――かわせねえよ、そんなの。無理無理。refers back to the bear who is flying towards the main character at high speeds? That is, the bear is doing none of those attacks described in that section, right? I'm a bit unsure on whether the そんなの refers to the bear flying towards the main character at high speeds or the sequence of attacks described just before. The sequence of the attacks sounds martial arts-y so having the bear do those wouldn't seem out of place but the way the section reads doesn't lead me to believe that is the case so I'm a little confused.
Also 上がってくる三段蹴り to me reads like the action was directed towards the main character (seen from his point of view), so maybe it is the bear doing these attacks after all?
Thanks for any help!
as meaning the bear, too? You might be able to defend a backhand blow with another, but it seems a weird choice of defense to stop a bear that dashes towards you.