I am making a website and needed inspiration for a "404 not found" page in Japanese. Going to a non-existent page on Amazon.co.jp (ex: amazon.co.jp/aaaaaaa) gives this message:



When I translated it to English with Google translate, it meant:

Are you looking for something? The URL you entered does not match the page on this site

I then clicked the to translate the English I just received back to Japanese, and I saw that 当サイト got replaced with このサイト.

I know they both mean "this website" but what is the difference between using 当{とう} and using この?


2 Answers 2


My understanding is that

当= this (business organisation or place)

この =this (something or someone close to the speaker (including the speaker), or ideas expressed by the speaker)

Hope that helps


From my feeling, 当 has a meaning of 'my' or 'our'.

  • 当方 = I, me, my side
  • この方 = This person (polite way)

Meaning of 当サイト appears to be "this site" and it can be understandable. But in this case, they are referring to their own site.

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