I was reviewing the stem + に行く like for example:


But, how about expressing several purposes like:

I'm going home to eat and take a shower.

I'm not really sure how to add several purposes with this pattern, or if its even possible.

Is the next example even grammatically correct?


Thank you beforehand.

1 Answer 1


うちに食べに帰る。/ {ごはん/お昼etc}を食べにうちに帰る。
I'm going home to eat (supper, lunch etc).
うちにシャワーを浴びに帰る。/ シャワーを浴びにうちに帰る。
I'm going home to take a shower.

sound good, but...


sound incorrect/unnatural.
(*食べてシャワーを浴びにうちに帰る would be understood as "I will eat (something/supper) and go home to take a shower.")

I'm going home to eat and take a shower.

I can't think of a way to say it using 「連用形+に+行く/帰る」. I would instead say...


(*You'd use ~てくる when you're going to come back to where you are after you eat lunch and take a shower.)

  • 2
    食べたりシャワーを浴びたりしにうちに帰る、なら一応通じますかね?意味も若干変わるし少し言いにくくはあるけど… Commented Jun 22, 2019 at 14:14
  • 1
    @Darius そうですね、いいと思います。「~たり~たりしに…」は使えると思います。
    – chocolate
    Commented Jun 23, 2019 at 0:52
  • わかりました、本当にありがとうございました
    – Koutta
    Commented Jun 23, 2019 at 14:40

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