One of the dictionary definitions for えぐい is "amazing".
I've never actually come across this sense of the word in any sentences. Does anyone have examples of where native writers have used えぐい to mean something like "amazing"?
One of the dictionary definitions for えぐい is "amazing".
I've never actually come across this sense of the word in any sentences. Does anyone have examples of where native writers have used えぐい to mean something like "amazing"?
That is why I don't like Jisho. It does not explain things; It just throws definitions at you.
"Amazing", or rather 「すごい」, is a new and slangy meaning of 「えぐい」. It is used quite heavily among the younger generations nowadays. It is used far more often than you seem to think, too. Even I, who is not so young, used the word for that meaning to describe the excellent quality of the pizza served at my favorite pizzeria in Nagoya the other day.
We use the word 「やばい」 for the same kind of new meaning these days as well. For both 「えぐい」 and 「やばい」, the new meaning is positive, which is the opposite of what Japanese-learners might think.
This video is all about homeruns, but you might want to check its title at least.
使い方としては日本語の「ヤバい」、英語の "crazy", "insane" などと似ており、状況によって良い意味にも悪い意味にもなります。ただし、個人的には、肯定的な意味で使われる頻度は「ヤバい」よりかなり低い気がします。私は「エグい」をほめ言葉として自分で使うことはまずありません。個人差や地域差は大きいと思います。
また、「ヤバい」や "amazing" は比較的素直な賞賛の言葉として使えますが、「エグい」は個性的・衝撃的・異質な物に対して使われることが多い気がするので、誤解を受けないよう注意をする必要があると思います。嬉しそうな顔で「あの映画マジでヤバかった」と言われたら単純に褒めているのだろうと感じますが、「あの映画マジでエグかった」と言われたら、個人的には「どういう意味で?」と聞き返したくなります。
It gets used in a way very similar to the way "gnarly" is used in American slang.