Are there particular rules on when to use one or the other? 休〜 appears to be more of a temporary closure or suspension (with implied continuation at some point in the near future)...
- この図書館は改装のため、来月まで休館となっています。ご了承ください。 → Due to our remodeling, this library will be closed until next month. Thank you for your understanding.
- あしたは休講です。 → There is no class tomorrow
- はしかの発生により、来週は休校です。 → Due to a measles outbreak, (this) school will be closed next week. → I actually saw this when I lived in Japan.
...While 閉〜 is more like a complete shutdown of something.
- 閉校 = [廃校]{はい・こう} → Close down a school
- 閉業 → Close down a business
- 閉場 → Close a theatre/meeting room
However, there seems to be some overlap in some terms.
- 閉店 = 休業 → Close a store for the day (to open again the next day)
- Whereas 休店 seems to be used when a store will be closed for an extended period (owner going out of town, etc.)
- 閉館 → Close (down) a 館
- 図書館・美術館など「館」と名のつく施設などが,その日の業務を終えること。 OR
- 図書館・映画館などがその業務をやめて施設を閉鎖すること
- (Definitions taken from whatever version of スーパー大辞林 is built into macOS Sierra)
I work at a university, where it is now winter break. The students at the university get about 4 weeks off of class between semesters. The staff gets about a week and half off, during which the university actually shuts down (conducts no business). How would I represent each of these points-of-view (students vs. staff)?
- My gut tells me they would both be 休学 or 休校, but for different reasoning for students vs. staff.
- Or would the students use 休学・休校 since they are just "resting" from class in 冬休み, but the staff uses 閉学・閉校 since business is ceasing?
- Or something else...