From #27 of 日本語能力試験3級の模擬試験 -文法1- (http://jlpt.u-biq.org/3g1.html)

Question: よやく(  )が わかりません。

A) かた  B) のかた   C) しかた   D) のしかた

Why is the answer D?

  • 3
    ...That lack of kanji confused me. I was sure よやく was a typo for ようやく and none of the given choices made any sense to me.
    – oals
    Commented Nov 29, 2016 at 7:18
  • @oals me too lols
    – ishikun
    Commented Nov 29, 2016 at 17:31

1 Answer 1


「よやく(  )が わかりません。」

A) かた  B) のかた   C) しかた   D) のしかた

So, the finished sentence should clearly mean:

"I do not know how to make a reservation/appointment."

To say "how to + (verb) + (object)", we use:

「Object + + Verb in 連用形{れんようけい} (continuative form) + 方{かた}」

Among the four choices given, only D) のしかた fits this form. 「し」 is the 連用形 of the verb「する」.

「よやくする」 = "to make a reservation/appointment" The 「を」 changes to 「の」 in the "how to ~~" form.

B) のかた does not have the verb 「し」.

C) しかた does not have 「の」.

A) かた is just out of the question. It has neither 「の」 nor 「し」.

Other examples:

「ラーメン食{た}べ方」"how to eat ramen" 「食べ」 is the 連用形 of「食べる」.

「チーズケーキ作{つく}り方」 "how to make cheesecake" 「作り」 is the 連用形 of 「作る」.

  • Isn't 方 here pronounced ほう? I think the かた pronounciation is only used for the formal form of 人. ほう is used in situations like 方がいい, right?
    – Sweeper
    Commented Nov 29, 2016 at 20:00
  • @Sweeper The 方 in 「連用形verb+方」 is pronounced かた. 方 is read かた in eg やり[方]{かた} (how to do/way of doing), [母方]{ははかた} (mother's side), 山田様[方]{かた} (c/o Mr Yamada), がた in 先生[方]{がた} (teachers), 源氏[方]{がた} (the Genji side), 明け[方]{がた} (toward daybreak), 3割[方]{がた} (about 30%) -- basically "noun (form)+[方]{かた/がた}"
    – chocolate
    Commented Nov 29, 2016 at 23:41

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