In one of the grammar questions for N3, I saw one for which I couldn't understand the reason why のでは is used.
この英会話講師のアルバイトに応募したきっかけは、先輩からの紹介です。私の専門は言語学ですので、その知識が生かせる「 」、と思い、応募いたしました。文法に詳しいので、英語はもちろん、日本語での文法の説明もできます。
Possible answers are
1) から 2)とか 3)なんて 4)のでは
The answer marked as correct is のでは. However, I don't understand why. I know that のでは is used in sentences like のではない。However, that's not he case here. Also as ので、when implying reason. However in that case I don't see は added. When searching through google I found more cases where you can use like this "一歩間違えば指先に刺さるのではと思ってしまう".
However, I don't understand which grammar rule allows for this usage of のでは。
In one of the grammar questions...
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