This phrase is used pretty much on every intro page to Japan, as a polite way to state "my name is _____". I think it's similar to Je m'appelle. My question is why is it exactly the particle と used in this case? Is it a unique thing, or is there a bigger trend? Is it used as a quotative way -- "Feliksas (quote - as in quoting what people say) am called"?

Thank you very much!!

  • It's similar to je m'appelle in that it means "my name is", but I hope you don't think that the French reflexive me = m' has anything to do with the Japanese particle と.
    – Earthliŋ
    Commented May 22, 2015 at 16:15
  • No, I don't. My wonder is why in this situation particle と is used :)
    – d3o
    Commented May 22, 2015 at 18:00

1 Answer 1


Yes you are right, the と is used as a quote. Feliksas - I am called that.

Once you know the root of the word 申します the reason becomes clear.
申します is the keigo (polite) form of 言います.

と言います can be used for reported speech.

That girl said "I am all right now".
That girl said she was all right at the time.

On a side note - if you are writing Japanese try to avoid romaji, even in names like Feliksas since most Japanese won't know how to pronounce it.

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