I came across a post on this site saying that :
For example was not correct grammatically, and that instead, we had to use
I'm very confused now even though I know 私もです is used a lot, I don't know wether it's correct or not.
Saying 私でもある makes me feel like I'm writing a book or a poem because of である. And on the other hand 私もです sounds very natural and correct to me because です is basically a contraction of であります, so we could say でもあります but not something like でもす so i feel like it's obvious that も comes before です.
So to me でもある is used just like である, but with the particle も added meaning "also, too", so mostly used in writing. And もです is used like です, in everydays life just to express a simple "Me too"
But after seeing those posts saying that もです is grammatically not correct, I wondered if もである with the particle も being before である is correct.