These two phrases seem to have very similar usage and I'm unable to determine the difference between them.
The examples I have are:
kare ha fukusou karashite darashinai. kitto hoka no men mo onaji darou.症状からすると、心臓の病気かもしれません。
shoujyou kara suru to, shinzou no byouki kamo shiremasen.
However, both of these phrases seem to translate to the English word "from" or "based on". I've asked a few Japanese friends about the difference, but they were unable to explain it eloquently.
Is it possible to switch からすると and からして in the preceding examples? Will it still be grammatically correct.
(Additionally, からして seems to have the meaning of "for a start" as in ひらがなからして読めない or "For a start, I can't even read hiragana." But this usage seems to be completely separate to the "from" or "based on" usage.)