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How do you pronounce 自重? Is it じじゅう or じちょう? In this context, what does it mean?

The entire clausesentence is, その自重を支えるの翼持つ「冒険者」よ


What does this phrase mean approximately?

How do you pronounce 自重? Is it じじゅう or じちょう? In this context, what does it mean?

The entire clause is, その自重を支えるの翼持つ「冒険者」よ

What does this phrase mean approximately?

How do you pronounce 自重? Is it じじゅう or じちょう? In this context, what does it mean?

The entire sentence is,


What does this phrase mean approximately?

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What does 自重を支える mean?

How do you pronounce 自重? Is it じじゅう or じちょう? In this context, what does it mean?

The entire clause is, その自重を支えるの翼持つ「冒険者」よ

What does this phrase mean approximately?