The many ways to say “and” in JapaneseThe many ways to say “and” in Japanese thread showed me that ~し, ~し can be used give reasons for something.
This room is clean, wide and also good partition, so most of the people like it.
ねむいし仕事があるし (I'm sleepy, and I have work to do, and...[I really don't want to] [so I can't do what you're asking])
Seems kind of like xし、 yし [だ]から z.
Can it be used the other way around: zから、 xし、 yし. For example, 今は休暇だから本を読んでるし、泳げるようになってるし、リラックスしてる。
And how about for just serial actions, for example in reply to something like 今日は何をしてる?
By the way, I don't remember seeing ~し in any textbooks so far, is it something you'd only use with friends?