Context: the protagonist (士道) is dating 十香 and they went to 水族館 together. But in the process of watching fishes in 水族館, 士道 runs away, pretending to go to the restroom because he has to date another girl, 折紙. 折紙 offers to eat in a restaurant, which happens to be close to the 水族館. 士道 worries that they might run into 十香 if they go to that restaurant.
Question: how would the nuance change if we omit the bold というの by just saying は? I found a seemingly related question here. https://japanese.stackexchange.com/questions/76909/what-is-the-difference-between-というのは-or-は-when-used-as-a-topical-marker?r=SearchResults I’m not sure if the question that already existed is related to my example, though. Thank you.