Means: My phone accidentally rang during the test.
Can someone explain why the particle に is required after the 中?
Why does: テスト中私の携帯が鳴ってしまった。
Not work here?
Here に is an article used with time. In spoken Japanese, it can be considered obvious and dropped completely. In spoken Japanese, it would be replaced with a pause, or, if writing out spoken Japanese, with a comma to indicate the pause.テスト中、私の携帯が鳴ってしまった。
テスト中に sounds more natural than テスト中 (without に) in this sentence.
This is because the phone ringing is something that happened at a specific point during the exam. に has the effect of putting focus on that specific point of time. テスト中 (without に) sounds a bit incomplete and vague.
Though the difference may not be so obvious as with 間, these are related.