From Wikipedia:
Your previous confusion of 濠 and 豪 actually makes sense in this context, as 「濠太剌利」「濠洲{ごうしゅう}」「豪洲{ごうしゅう}」are all ateji. Basically the idea is when a non-Chinese foreign word like "Australia" comes to Japan, an attempt is made to phonetically represent the word with kanji, borrowing only the kanji's pronunciations irrespective of their meanings.
The name for Australia was thus first introduced as 「濠太剌利」, shortened to 「濠洲」, and the two kanji, since they are not on the list of 常用漢字 (regular kanji), were later replaced by two other similarly pronounced kanji on that list, 豪 and 州. By the way the さんずい (水部 water radical) makes sense in the context of Australia, because 洲 means or used to mean "land surrounded by water". See the Wikipedia page on 「洲」vs.「州」:
These days since 洲 is not on the list and thus not considered a regular kanji, it is replaced by 州 in almost all contexts except holdover place names.
As I am discussing the provenance of this word and its historical pronunciation, I am reluctant to render it as 「濠太剌利{オーストラリア}」. I can't find a source but I don't think it was originally pronounced オーストラリア. It is pronounced as such these days for sure but it is very common that country names vary without standardization when first introduced into a new language. 剌利 was probably pronounced ラリ.