I've been making my way through the book Elementary Japanese Volume 1 and in the chapter on comparatives it introduced this construction:

AとBとでは、どちらの方がXですか。Between A and B, which one is X-er?
AとBとでは、Aの方がBよりXです。 Between A and B, A is X-er than B.

If I understood it correctly then the particles and are acting as they normally would. Meaning the here is the location marker and marks the range of things we are comparing. And the particle just marks the whole first part as the topic. However, what I don't understand is the use of the particle at the end of the list, right after B.
I think I have seen this construct without this . So what exactly is it's function there?


1 Answer 1


It's also the listing-と. Originally, the standard way to say "A and B" was AとBと, using と twice. In modern Japanese, the second と is usually dropped, but it's still sometimes inserted for several reasons:

  • To emphasize a comparison
  • To make a sentence/title sound literary and sonorous (see the first link below for examples)
  • To increase the readability of a complicated long sentence by explicitly marking what are listed (see the last link below)

In your example, the second と is purely optional, and dropping it doesn't change the meaning of the sentence. Still, I feel the second と somehow appears often in a context of choosing one from multiple options.

See also:

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