I am not able to understand the following use:


Does it mean I am/am not interested about the subject?
Can someone explain the conjugation used here please?

  • 1
    Here is a similar question: japanese.stackexchange.com/questions/28632/…
    – dabisu
    Commented Nov 26, 2016 at 7:52
  • I do not think that conjugation applies here.This seems to be ならない + なる + いる which seems strange - but I may be wrong.
    – IUnknown
    Commented Nov 26, 2016 at 9:25

1 Answer 1



「~~が気に + ならない + なる + いく」  

The last part いった is from いく(行く) and not from いる like you stated in your comment above. I am sure you know both いく and くる are often used as subsidiary verbs. (The past tense form of いる is いた, and not いった.)

「気にならない」 means "to not be concerned", "to be free from", etc.

「なっていく」 means "to (gradually) become". It expresses a shift from one state to the next.

Old state: Concerned

New state: Unconcerned

Thus, 「~~が気にならなくなっていった」 means:

"(Someone) became less and less concerned about ~~ (over time)"

  • Why 行く part is in the past form? If it is "over time in the future", should non-past form have been used? Also, If it is "became from the moment in the past to the moment of the narration" should 来る have been used in this case? 「~~が気にならなくなってきた」?
    – user1602
    Commented Jul 31, 2020 at 8:14

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